Page name: bubble wrap lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-03-15 18:20:01
Last author: ZOMBIE x ZOMBIE
Owner: elf_iceprincess
# of watchers: 14
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this is for everyone who loves bubble wrap and thinks its better than therapy * you must love bubble wrap to join*


to add baner just take ** out

MEMBERS to join go to bwl members

1.[Forbidden Truths]
6.[I do believe in faeries I do I do]
7. [Popqorn] I got bubble wrap for christmas as a presant! It was the actual presant not the wraping of one!
8.[^_^ bubi et ^_^] i love bubble wrap
9.[Clarabell12] I love bubble wrap SO much...... i
10.[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]iluv bubblewrap!!its soooo addiciting!sepcially if ur bored!!lol



11. [Fortune Orange]


13. [Ktcm] *pop* ... *pop pop* ^-^; yey
14. [elwen] its great to annoy people with!!!
15. [Popqorn] I got bubble wrap for Christmas once! really! it wasnt just the packaging! I got a 6ft long thing of bubble wrap! only because i asked for it though! I was so happy! It entertained me for like 3 hours!
16. [penguin jones] i'm an addict for bubble wrap
17. [Ham] Wrapping stuff in it is such a waste....*plays with it in corner*
18. [The Taste of Ink !] Yay for bubble wrap!! :D
19.[Lucy-Lou] whoooh! jump on it!


21.[psychekiller] yay bubble wrap

22. [Broken_Musician] I LOVE BUBBLE WRAP

23. [My Own Creation] It was my favorite toy as a child...I still ♥ it!!
24. [I_lüv_bubbles] Bubble wrap rules my world

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[Iuna]: ^_^

[Aliz]: you know what it is?? ehe...

[Iuna]: what??

[Aliz]: wazzup..

[Iuna]: uh... I don't know what you mean with it...... :s

[Aliz]: you don't know what wazzup meens?

[Beru-chan]: lol I guess she knows that....just no answer... I think XD

[Iuna]: uhh... I don't really know what I have to answer... Is it like How are you? or What are you doing? :s O.o

[Aliz]: what is up...hehe...wazzup :P

[Iuna]: ok... what do I have to answer than??

[Beru-chan]: What are you up to? is What are you doing? right..? XD *stupid*

[Iuna]: ok... thanks for explaning!!! Now I know what to answer!!!! ^_^

[Beru-chan]: whahah:P I don't know if I'm right.. :P I'm stupid~

[Iuna]: hahaha ok ^_^

[Aliz]: or when I say "wazzup?" you can answer "hm...let me see...roof, then sky and clouds :P" hehe

[Teufelsweib]: wazzup

[Aliz]: uh...roof ^_^ hehe

[Teufelsweib]: luckely we have roofs here, I am anti-claustrofobic

[Aliz]: hehe...yeah...roofs are a smart thing :P lol

[Teufelsweib]: prefents houses for becoming big open buildings

[Aliz]: wouldn't be very fun if it rained inside your house :P hehe

[Teufelsweib]: or that the sun shined *shiver*

[Aliz]: yeah...that would be creepy...suddenly you would wake up and be sun burned as hell...nasty :P hehe

[Teufelsweib]: aaaaah, don't talk about that! now I can't sleep tonight :'(

[Iuna]: o nooooooooo You made Slavork scared!!!!!!!!!!!

[Teufelsweib]: boohoohooo!!!

[Iuna]: now she is crying!!!!

[Teufelsweib]: weeeh

[Iuna]: poor Slavork!!

[Aliz]: oh...too bad....for you ^_^

[Teufelsweib]: since when can you feel empathy moonflower?? :P

[Aliz]: I dunno..

[Teufelsweib]: fallen of the stairs?

[Aliz]: maybe ^_^

[Iuna]: lol

[evil beavle]: moonflower hide it self at the party of Odreza!!!!! haha

[Aliz]: X_x

[Teufelsweib]: yeah... acting like she was nice and normal

[Aliz]: huh?

[Iuna]: they are talking crap

[Teufelsweib]: just keep in mind that she is a really evil being

[Aliz]: so?? not as evil as me :D

[Teufelsweib]: have you ever droven with your bike over a harmless bird and laughed about it?

[Teufelsweib]: have you ever jammed you pencil in someone's arm that the point stick into that persons flesh

[Teufelsweib]: and do that about everyday

[Beru-chan]: lol I did the second one by myself..ouch... aww poor birdy~!!

[Aliz]: have you ever gone on a "visit" to someone you knew your friends were in love with, with them standing outside the window watching?

[Aliz]: have you ever kicked someone who were in love with you right between the legs? ^_^

[Aliz]: have you ever put a glas on top of a spider and then watched it die sloooooowly?

[Aliz]: have you ever slammed someones head in a wall...when you were like 8 years old?

[Aliz]: and then continued that sometimes, til it became boring?

[Beru-chan]: lol you have to make a wiki with that stuff! the How evil are you? wiki!

[Iuna]: yeess!!! how fun!

[Aliz]: I already have an evil wiki :P evil people united

[Teufelsweib]: yay!! going to join now!

[Teufelsweib]: but she does puts people heads in oven doors and slam it

[Aliz]: hehe

[Teufelsweib]: yay, I've joined that wiki of yours ^_^

[Iuna]: I have joinend it tooo ^^

[Aliz]: thanks ^_^ it needs members :P

[Teufelsweib]: we all should join it now

[Iuna]: yep

[Teufelsweib]: and everyone put a photo of your pink at all pinkies

[Iuna]: yeesss DO IT!!!!

[Teufelsweib]: NOW!

[Iuna]: yup

[Aliz]: huh??

[Teufelsweib]: put a photo of your pink on the wiki

[Aliz]: no..don't think so

[Teufelsweib]: aaah, please, why not?

[Aliz]: I don't want to ^_^ hehe....too lazy...hehe

[Teufelsweib]: aah, bullshit, come on aliz, then you'll get a cookie!

[Aliz]: nope...too lazy :P

[Teufelsweib]: COME OOOOON!!!! you can still sit on your ass doing it

[Aliz]: nope...hehe... *muahaha*

[Iuna]: tsss we cannot use lazy people they are useless

[Teufelsweib]: but we need a photo of their pink

[Iuna]: yes.. so..

[Teufelsweib]: yes?

[Iuna]: whatever

[Teufelsweib]: eeeh?

[Teufelsweib]: *SCREECH*!!!

[Iuna]: boeie


[Teufelsweib]: bo?

[Aliz]: bøøøø ^_^

[Teufelsweib]: BOBO!!

[Aliz]: BØbø

[Teufelsweib]: beu

[Aliz]: BØØ

[Teufelsweib]: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!1

[Iuna]: boo

[Teufelsweib]: bleh

[Aliz]: eh....MØ

[Beru-chan]: BØØØ

[Teufelsweib]: mo, bo, ro whatever

[Beru-chan]: meeuuu

[Teufelsweib]: oeh oeh AH AH AH!

[Beru-chan]: pieeeeeeeep pieeeeeeep

[Teufelsweib]: meow

[Beru-chan]: woof

[Teufelsweib]: *spits out a huge ball of spit* what? a llama!

[Beru-chan]: lol * backs away* eww

[Teufelsweib]: sorry, missed it

[Iuna]: YAK!!! Don't spit it on me!!!!

[Teufelsweib]: sorry!!!!!!

[Iuna]: ok ^_^

[Teufelsweib]: moo

[Iuna]: cow

[Teufelsweib]: good girl *gives cookie*

[Beru-chan]: tweettweet

[Teufelsweib]: BWIRDIE!!

[Iuna]: yay!

[Teufelsweib]: yay

[Iuna]: lol

[Beru-chan]: birdie nyamnyam! :P lol

[Aliz]: voff :P

[Teufelsweib]: voff? waf!

[evil beavle]: DOG

[Beru-chan]: WOOF

[Aliz]: VOFF!!!

[evil beavle]: DOG.....

[Aliz]: mjau :P

[Teufelsweib]: mauw

[Beru-chan]: balkbalk... guess what animal that was :P

[Iuna]: EZEL!!! DONKY!!

[Beru-chan]: yeah :D

[Teufelsweib]: yay

[Iuna]: lol

[Beru-chan]: wheee


[Teufelsweib]: human being

[Iuna]: oerbrul

[Teufelsweib]: ja he

[Iuna]: lol

[Teufelsweib]: lol inderdeed

[..and all that jazz]: i like bubblewrap heeheehee

[Iuna]: me too :)

[Teufelsweib]: that's why this club thing is here, for people who like bubble wrap

[Aliz]:'s not named "bubble wrap lovers" for nothing :P hehe

[..and all that jazz]: I jus thought I'd mention it :P

[Aliz]: hehe

[Teufelsweib]: doesn't matter, that's why we are here, us bubblewrap addict

[Aliz]: yup yup

[Teufelsweib]: yap yap

[Aliz]: OMG...just realized I haven't seen any b/w since before christmas :0

[Teufelsweib]: me too, but I like shaking hands and nightmares about the bubblewrap monster

[Aliz]: hehe...yeah ^_^

[Teufelsweib]: spooky

[Aliz]: creeeepy :P

[Teufelsweib]: bleeeeeeh

[Aliz]: freaky..hehe

[Teufelsweib]: cheesy...

[Aliz]: milky :P

[Teufelsweib]: potatoe chippy

[Aliz]: bubbly

[Teufelsweib]: lumpy

[Aliz]: hehe...funny....reminds me of food...hehe

[Teufelsweib]: lumpy???

[Aliz]: yeah...hotdogs and hehe...funny...hehehe...

[Teufelsweib]: lumpy hotdogs?!

[evil beavle]: hmmm.... sounds not so tastfull

[Aliz]: no...not lumpy...lompe :P hehe

[Iuna]: lompe is a word in dutch :)

[..and all that jazz]: is dutch holland?

[Iuna]: jup :)

[..and all that jazz]: Yay! Thank u, u jus proved me right in an argument Im havin lol

[Iuna]: hahaha cool:)

[Teufelsweib]: dutch is our language... why don't people know that????

[..and all that jazz]: Because people get confused I think. Duno :S

[Teufelsweib]: do you know our capital?

[..and all that jazz]: erm... Amsterdam???

[Teufelsweib]: YAY!!! gooood, and where do we know that from...?

[Iuna]: yes!!! gooooood :)

[..and all that jazz]: Yay!!! I'm clever! :D

[Teufelsweib]: but where do we know Amsterdam from???

[Teufelsweib]: yeps, and the legal drugs!

[..and all that jazz]: drugs! cool. I did not know that one

[Iuna]: no??

[..and all that jazz]: jus the cheese and sex. Weird combination....

[Teufelsweib]: wow, you do not know much about this country... and like which wizard does our prime minister look?

[..and all that jazz]: erm....Merlin? Or Gandalf?

[Iuna]: you must know that one!

[..and all that jazz]: me silly :S

[Iuna]: Harry .....

[Teufelsweib]: harry potter!!!

[Iuna]: yaaaaay!

[Teufelsweib]: yeps

[..and all that jazz]: harry potter? Wow. Ours looks like an elephant. Well, according to me lol

[Iuna]: hahahahhaha is he so big?

[..and all that jazz]: no, but he has enormous ears!!! heeheehee

[Iuna]: look, this is our prime-minister: <img:>

[Iuna]: whahaha do you have a picture of him???

[..and all that jazz]: heeheehee harry potter!!

[..and all that jazz]: I shall go find a picture...

[Iuna]: yes! We told you :)

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